Performance at Haus Steiermark, Bruxelles, on December 1, 2016.
Based on protocols, drawn and written at 3 theatre plays by “zweite liga für kunst und kultur” (description below).

Triple projection and spoken text, performed by Iris Kasper, Elli Saubach and Edda Strobl.

Drawing during three theatre plays by zweite liga of kunst und kultur

In 2012, I was invited to draw at a three-days-staging/happening “Tagung der Kommune” (something like “Conference of the Commune”), in the function of a recorder of events. The happening was about writing a play in the moment of acting, which meant discussing the ideals of a community, political action and “the true (right) life in the wrong film” – and recording this. Every participant, every visitor and passer-by was instantly part of the play. It took place at Forum Stadtpark, Graz.

In summer 2013, I recorded by drawing all of the performances of the play “chronik der vorbeilaufenden ereignisse” (chronicle of events passing by). On the one hand, the setting was on a street, the Annenstrasse in Graz, on the other hand in a store, where the audience sat and a second layer of the play happened. Aspects of “passing by”, literally and in the sense of extinction, was the essence of the play.

In autumn 2013, the play “der druckauftrag” (the print job) was performed at the Volkshaus, Graz. It was about the difficulties of an office staff writing an e-mail together with the concern “It is over” and with the content of closing down the office. Topics like refusal and self-empowerment were treated.