“Chronicle of events passing by” is the second book out of three dealing with plays by “zweite liga für kunst und kultur”

In the summer of 2013, I kept a record of all of the performances of the play “chronicle of events passing by” by drawing.
On the one hand, the setting took place on a street, the Annenstrasse in Graz, on the other hand in a store, where the audience sat and a second layer of the play happened. Aspects of “passing by”, literally and, lets say biologically, were the essence of the play.

The book, 40 pages, was a D.I.Y. production, printed at Risograd (Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz).
Amongst other books, also this one was finished at studio Leitnergasse, Graz. Helmut Kaplan, Michael Jordan, me and the spirit of Tonto were in the production line.